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Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays

Well, Grandma Anna, my mother, turned 84 on the 26th. She never imagined she would ever live this long. In her family, she has out lived (age wise) her parents and four siblings. I am just happy that she has. She has been a blessing to Dick and I and our sons and grandchildren. Anna and Noelle especially, light up when they see Grandma Anna. And, nothing can light up grandma's eyes like her great-grandchildren.

Today, Christine turned six. She was born on my mom and dad's anniversary. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETIE, We love you! In our family we are bombarded with birthdays one right after another. Anna's on the 8th of September, Julie's on the 23rd, Grandma Anna's on the 26th, Christine's on the 28th, Amie's on October 16th, Jeremy's on November 14, Read's on December 5th, Noelle's on December 16th, James on January 14th. Mine is also in there somewhere:\ (It is a miracle if I got all these dates correct. I'm sure I will find out!)

One of my clients just had her baby, Bethany Rose. I haven't seen her yet, but hopefully, will this next week.


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