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A little break from the hospital, My brother's blog has his memories of buttons. http://schoolGuy@blogspot.com He once had a family, but that was long gone for him. He was a gentle man, loved the children at the day care. He got saved the summer I worked downtown Detroit. I worked at the Cass Park day care, while living in Priscilla Hall, which housed Southern Baptist State Association offices on the main floor and residents on the three upper floors. Buttons was old enough for social security and had a little room where he stayed. He would spend his money on buttons and little moving toys that he knew the children would love to see. He came by often to see the children. After he got saved, he came to church at the Baptist Center where the day care was. I can still close my eyes and see him all covered with his buttons, his smile and delight when he came to share his toys with the children. Buttons, I look forward to seeing you in heaven one day. I wonder if you might be sharing some of this story with my mom and dad?

There are many memories of Priscilla Hall Days, but I will save them for another day


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So I only saw part of the picture. Love you

Lot of good posts here. Been reading for an hour now. Bookmarked! :)

Over de voor- en nadelen van het afsluiten van een lening zonder BKR-toetsing.

Leven met migraine: hoe ga je met je migraine om en wat is de beste behandeling?

Over de voor- en nadelen van het afsluiten van een lening zonder BKR-toetsing.

Bereken zelf uw hypotheek. Hypotheek berekenen? Maak snel een indicatieve berekening van het maximale leenbedrag van uw hypotheek.

That's just good info

It still remains a mystery why Jesus allows that. :)

You have a great blog here! I love the content!

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